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3 Seasons Medium Share
  • 3 Seasons Medium Share


    Experience 34 weeks of joy with eight fresh, delicious veggies and greens right from our family-owned farm in Montpelier, VT. Boost your vegetable intake with our medium farm share. Each week, receive 8 fresh items, including vegetables, greens, roots, and herbs. Perfect for those who love to cook and eat fresh, this share offers a robust and diverse harvest to elevate every meal


    With the 3-Season Mediu Share from Ananda Gardens enjoy 34 weeks of fresh and local produce, featuring eight varieties of our fresh and delicious harvest, from our farm to your table, Home Delivery to your door or Pick up at our Market Style Farm Stand.


    Our certified organic offerings are perfect for maintaining your wellness almost year-round. Plus, you can easily customize your share by adding extra greens or veggies to meet your unique needs. Join us to support sustainable farming and relish the best of Central Vermont's bounty!

    Please check our delivery route before signing up for the Delivery option. You would be automatically transferred to Farm Stand CSA if your address is out of our delivery route.

    Check our delivery route here

    • Ananda Gardens CSA Membership Perks

      Ananda Gardens CSA membership provides a convenient and rewarding way to enjoy fresh, organic produce while connecting with your local food system and experiencing the beauty of the farm. Your membership offers you the following benefits:

      • Healthy Eating Fresh, Organic Produce: Receive a weekly share of diverse, seasonal, and organic produce. Get inspired for healthy eating habits by incorporating all these fresh, seasonal produce into your meals.

      • Convenience and Flexibility: Choose between home delivery or convenient farmstand pickup.Customize your share size and choose add-on items. If you missed weeks you can put your share on hold and/or get farm Stand Credit.

      • Experience our Farm Community Connection: Join a community of like-minded individuals who value sustainable food practices and healthy living.Visit the farm to see and witness the miracle of your own food growing, explore the walkable gardens area, and enjoy the playground and recreational areas around the farm stand.

      • Educational Resources: Receive weekly emails with recipes, cooking tips, and information about the farm and its practices.

      • Have an Impact in Sustainability: Contribute to a sustainable food system and reduce your environmental impact. Directly support local farmers and contribute to the vitality of your community.






              2416 Horn of the Moon Rd, Montpelier, VT 05602                                 



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    © Since 2016 by Ananda Gardens 

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