Early Bird registration is OPEN!

2024 CSA
34 Weeks/8 months of Fresh Vegetables
April-November 2024
8 weeks/April to June
16 weeks/June to September
10 weeks/ September to November
PAY for your 2024 CSA
by December 21st and
get the 2023 prices

*Note: Starting December 21st we will raise prices for 2024
Discount will only apply for full payments of check, cash, venmo, and credit card received on or before December 21st of 2023. Not valid for check payment plan.
Our price increase for next year follows the market tendency and will allow us to continue offering fresh and local food to our community. Thanks for your understanding!
By paying in advance for your 2024 CSA you help us plan ahead and purchase supplies for next year.
Knowing how much food we will grow for our community in advance is a great help for our family farm.
It gives us a sense of hope and security. Allows our farm to have income in the coldest months of the year, helping us endure the challenges of the winter.
With your early contribution we are able to buy the appropriate farm inputs now, so they are here when we need them in early Spring. We buy our greenhouse crop seeds, many items like tomatoes and peppers require many dollars per plant to seed and grow in the heated greenhouse. We also buy heating fuel, potting soil, and fertility inputs like straw, woodchips, etc.
Your support allows us to buy supplies needed to grow the varieties of vegetables that we all love and spread out both the income and expenses of the farm.
We are so appreciative for your support during the time that we need it the most!
